Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Holy Sh*t!!!!

Always appropriate as title for a blog post...nah, but it fits in with my thinking tonight. 

So you all know about how much of an impact my life coaching experience had on my life. Pretty significant experience to finally get me moving in the right direction. Well I wrote on his FB wall today saying we needed to have phone date soon so I could fill him in on all that's going on with me. And of course, he said YES!!! (I think he's just as excited as me to catch up - man he's a freaking rockstar).  We'll work out details later but I hope it's soon. 

Of course, in true kick ass life coach style - he one upped me on news today. I'm trolling FB again tonight and he's posted a video (ok, I'm a little addicted to FB but my job is LAME and  I need something to distract me other than music all day). What's this video of you might ask? Oh, just him calling his boss and QUITTING HIS JOB to pursue his dream and be a life coach full time! 

Seriously. I don't find anything more inspiring than someone actually doing that. I can only imagine how freaking scary and empowering that is to do. I'd likely be shitting bricks the whole time. But you gotta just take the bull by the horns one day and do it. My goal is for that moment to happen in the next 6-9 months for me. (There's a few things to figure out once prom season rolls around - you know I'm in for one last season. Got the text about Atlanta Market just yesterday.) Pretty sure I won't be taking a video of it though. You'd get to see the gray/drab hell I work in daily. And I'm sure it violates some sort of State of Iowa policy. But you can bet your ass I'll be VERY excited for that moment. I can imagine my boss thinking it's lame and crazy to leave a steady job with decent pay and great benefits. Yeah - that's nice. But it's better to be your own damn boss and do what you love! :) 

As always, minor mental freakouts about everything I'm up to (ooh, Rodney would be proud to hear that one...) but taking a few deep breaths about it all and knowing it will all work out. That's the crazy thing about life - it always seems to do that. Just wish I knew why and HOW some things are going to work out. There's one in particular driving me crazy. And I'm pretty sure I'll get ballsy enough one day to pursue it a little farther or figure out how to punch someone an hour away without the hassle of driving. :) 

That's it. Time to peel myself off the floor of my now somewhat empty office. I decided to take everything out and put it back in differently tonight. I mean, why not? It's only still 90 degrees out and I've picked the one room in my house without a ceiling fan to work in. Time to finish the last swallow of my beer and get ready for bed! 

Night all! 

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Best Gift Ever!

A little back story on how I got hooked up with my life coach. After I got laid off in 2008, I was out of work for awhile (and not so secretly loving it!) and trying to figure out what the next step was. With the blessing of having severance to bridge the gap for a bit, I was able to start thinking. During this time, my dear friend Rachel approached me about her coworker/friend that was starting to be a life coach and was looking for people to "practice" on and she thought of me. I said yes. And Rodney and I worked on different things together but I can say that my head wasn't really in it and we didn't get far. Then he was deployed to Iraq for a year (You can bet your ass I am proud that my life coach is a soldier!) and we lost touch. 

Fast forward to Sept. 2010 and I get a random call from him wanting to do a completion call with me from what we worked on before. We talked for 90 minutes one night and I was FINALLY ready for it. I spilled more to him in that time than any of my friends ever heard. So, to get him started again and to help myself I signed on for 3 months...I was his first ever paying client. Score for both of us. 

So we would talk for one hour each week and I would have different assignments to work on and created 4 different projects (Relationship, Financial, Career and Well Being). I'm not going to tell you that I've rocked out each and every one of these projects but as is life, they are a work in progress. And the perfectionist in me f*cking hates that. But the new Sarah says it's ok (don't worry that perfectionist is still in there and I have to fight that bitch every day - in some ways, it is who I am and I LOVE that about myself now). It's so hard for me to put into words how much I learned about myself, my life and going after everything I've ever wanted. I've gotten rid of the shitty things I used to tell myself (ok they sneak up too but I am SO much better than before), gotten off the selfish bitch-people pleaser teeter totter I was on for most of my life, and am FINALLY putting myself first. It's been freaking amazing. 

Don't worry, it wasn't all peachy keen the whole way down the path. Sometimes Rodney would want to push me to do things my heart wasn't really joining a gym b/c I had this crazy ass idea I wanted to be a runner - I can count on one hand how many times I actually went to the damn gym, online dating (and I went on a date too...ugh) - which I've determined is NOT for me, just to name a few. And we fought..not like punches and that stuff, but there was a time when he pushed a few wrong buttons and I completely shut down. For a whole week. On him. And I'd never done that. But we worked through it. B/c as he said - his work with me is out of love for me and the love he wants me to have for myself. 

It was the best gift I'd ever given myself. And it was worth every f*cking penny I invested into it b/c it was an investment in MYSELF. I would not be here today sharing my life with all of you without going through this experience for 11 months (I think that's how long it was?). It completely rocked my world and changed everything about me for the better. It's funny to talk to friends who have known me for years and can see this change in me. When Rodney and I "broke up" as I called it - it wasn't b/c I didn't love him, want him or need him in my life - it was purely a financial decision. And it wasn't a break up forever, just a break. (bahahaha - makes me think of Ross and Rachel on Friends) And the crazy thing is - we both cried. It was more emotional than anything I've gone through. That man knows me better than anyone else does and cares so much. 

And yet, I've never met him in person. He lives in St. Louis and I'm in Des Moines. (Did you all see that coming?) Yet he helped me change my life. Over the phone. One night a week.

If you, or anyone you know, is needing to make a change or is looking to go down a different career path or whatever - a life coach is truly an amazing gift. And I can hook you up with my man, Rodney. He has his own business now in St. Louis. You won't regret it. 

I promise :) 

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Ahh, Sunday night...

It's always filled with a bit of melancholy. The weekend isn't just winding down, it's pretty much over. And that makes me sad. When did I become a girl who works all week to live for the weekends? This is SO not the way I want to spend my life. Seems like a pathetic way to live for the next 30+ years until retirement and it's part of the drive that makes me keep pursuing my dreams. I've always heard that when you do something you love, you won't work a day in your life. And I believe this to a certain point, but I know that not all days are hearts, flowers, unicorns and rainbows as an entrepreneur. There are days that it is work, but hopefully those days are strongly outweighed by the ones that don't feel like it is. :) 

I've had a couple of great weekends lately - just spending time back home. Drives a lot of thoughts about fitting in and having my own life back there. I know it will be a tough transition and there will be times I want to say "F*ck it!" and head on back to Des Moines b/c that's the easy way out - but I won't. At the age of 31, I can safely say that I don't take the easy way out for anything that happens in my life. At times, it's totally sucked and pissed me off thinking about how easy it seems for other people to get the things they want in life and I feel like it's not happening for me. But it is, it's just taken me time to realize my path is so much different than others. And it's been occasionally easy, tough more often than not but it's been so worth it. I've learned so much about myself and what I want out of life over the years by going through everything I've been tested on. Much stronger than I ever thought. 

As I've recently discovered - my path is ever changing. I gave myself the best gift I ever could last year and had a life coach. I'll tell you all more about that experience tomorrow. After the bike ride back home last weekend, 2 trips equalling 10 hours in a car on Wednesday and Thursday for my uncle's visitation and funeral and then another trip back home this weekend for my cousin's wedding - I'm spent. From Sunday to Sunday I've spent 16 hours in the car and driven all but 5 hours of it. More than enough for awhile but that's what family does and how important they are. Showing someone you care enough to spend time with them when they want or need you most is what being a part of a family is all about. 

See you all tomorrow! :) 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Baby steps turning into FLYING leaps!

And it feels FABULOUS! I finally revealed my thoughts about my future and where I want to go with my life to my parents (it wasn't until Sunday afternoon that I dropped that bomb on them!) so I can now share more with all of you. 

I've lived in the Des Moines area for 9 years now and have been bopping from job to job with nothing that's really making me happy and doing what I love. I had a conversation with Meredith around 6 weeks ago and we talked about how I need a change. This got me to thinking - I've not had a major life change in quite awhile. Bought a house 7 years ago, ended a relationship 5.5 years ago...and aside from getting laid off and changing jobs - that's it. No new boyfriend, engagement, marriage or baby in that time (hell, I've barely DATED in the past 5 years). And I think I've just been settling for what's going on in my life and filing it with endless work and random things to keep me busy. I need a change. BIG time. 

All of this thinking has lead me to start thinking about moving back around home...not back to Mallard but back to the Algona area where my parents live. So this would not only be a career change, but a move I think is exactly where I want to be right now. What would a banking/finance/prom dress selling/food stamp giving girl like me do for a job back there? Well...finally open a business that excites me. Right on a Main Street. I've always dreamed of walking into my own business every morning excited to start the day and I think I've found a way to make that dream come true. Main Street (or State Street as it's actually called) in Algona is changing and it's filling with small businesses and it's thriving! I am currently looking into opening a Wedding/Event planning business that also does rentals of things needed for different events. Table decor, table cloths, table runners, chair covers, back drops and the like. I'm still doing my research and scoping out others in the area (which the closest is like 40 minutes away) but I'm EXCITED! 

It's also gotten me to thinking about why I've not been lucky in love here in Des Moines...maybe I've not met someone I'm meant to spend my life with because I'm not living where I'm supposed to be for the rest of my life?!? How's that for deep thinking for Sarah on a Tuesday night? :) 

The endless thinking keeps me up at night...Where will I live? How will I make money while starting the business? Where will I work out? (I kickbox and weight train - pretty sure there's no studio for that back there - yikes!) Will I finally be able to get a new car? Can I sell my house? Or just need to rent it out? And what's it going to cost to rent the building I have my eye on, on Main St? AHHHHHH! So many decisions to make. 

So there - this is the start of a journey taking me back to Northern Iowa. Where Target and Starbucks are 45 minutes away. F word. Two things I LOVE. 

Welcome to the ride! 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

What a weekend!

Hope everyone had a fabulous weekend! 
I know I did - I even have the sore ass to prove it. Dang, it was a LONG bike ride yesterday. Definitely fun but harder than it was last year. Maybe it was the different bike I rode and the seat wasn't as great  but the last 3 miles back into West Bend were BRUTAL. Enough that my brother and I walked our bikes for a mile as we went against the wind. Maybe I had more beer than bloody marys and that didn't help? Who knows? But Pat is just as sore as I am - he told my dad that it felt like someone put a 2x4 up his ass. He paints a pretty picture, don't you think? Can you tell that we're a little bit alike? 
Speaking of which, I have a funny story for you. In January, I was shopping with my mom, Meredith (my brother's wife), her mom and her aunt for dresses for their wedding. As we're walking through the mall - I'm in front of the pack and her mom says, "She walks just like Pat." Oh dear lord. I am now acutely aware of how I walk. And sadly, she's right but you never want to hear you walk like your brother. Any way you slice that - I either walk like a dude or he walks like a girl. Yet, Pat and I do walk alike - apparently we have a "strut". So as we're sitting at the BBQ after the ride yesterday, I'm in a lawn chair next to Mere's mom watching my dad grill burgers for the riders and she says to me, "Well, I now see where you and Pat get your butts." She points directly at my dad's ass. Good lord. The man doesn't have one. Which, neither do Pat or I. Obviously turns into hilarious conversation for awhile about the butts of the the 3 of us. I LOVE the inappropriateness of Mere's Mom (who doesn't check out her son-in-law's dad's ass?). She fits right on in with the rest of us. Apparently her daughter is turning into her - she's sitting next to me in church this morning and tells Pat, "Sarah has your dad's nose." Shit - I hope I don't go bald like the old man. I don't think that's a look I can rock! 

It was an interesting weekend in another a peculiar Facebook friend request when I woke up yesterday morning. One that puzzles me like no other...yet I accepted it and am now attempting to patiently wait to see the reason behind this request. We'll see how long that lasts - according to this person, I am funny, upfront and aggressive (he also said beautiful but whatever on that) so true to form it's hard for me to sit here and wait to see what his deal is. 

Also - have you seen the video for Kenny Chesney's new song Come Over? If not, you need to...NOW. Holy hella hot stuff! That man finally figured out how to rock being bald (hmmm, shaved his head) and it's a steamy video. Damn fine for 44...

And yes, I spilled the beans to my parents on my plans...stayed tuned to hear all about that! 

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Ah, Thump Thump Thursday...

What's that mean? Not a clue - but makes me laugh. And think of my friend Katie. She's a riot. 

For the past 12 years I have had the same hair stylist, Trudie. Randomly got her one time in college and haven't left her since. Ok, I've randomly strayed to others due to necessity. Oh, I didn't mention she lives 2 hours away from me? Yep, that's right - I am crazy and picky enough to drive almost 2 hours ONE WAY to get a haircut and a color. She knows my hair, what I like, what I don't (and actually tells me things she won't do b/c she knows I'll hate it - even if I think it's something I WANT) and I never walk out the door unhappy. 

Well - I've cheated. Twice this week. With 2 different people. A cut from someone I met through Silpada and it was ok. Always hard for me to LOVE it b/c I suck at telling them what I like done with my hair. And then I went at supported my friend Katie who is currently in school at the Aveda Institute in WDM. We had a ball! And she did a FABULOUS job. It was the first time EVER in 12 years someone else has put color in my hair. I had total faith in her that she would do great - and she delivered. Freaking entertaining as hell the entire time too - a little singing, dancing and completely inappropriate conversation you can only have with a very wonderful girlfriend. Let's just hope I didn't get her kicked out of school for being unprofessional! :) 

And I thought about it yesterday - I rarely cheat on my hair girl. But apparently when I cheat on her for a cut - I get around. There's only been ONCE that I've been back to the same person twice. And my new fill in color girl has been found. That is one I will continuously have a hair affair with. Apparently I'll still be whoring it up for haircuts in a pinch! 

I have been promising myself to be more consistent with my posts but this week has completely gotten away from me. But I'll get better, I have no doubt. I have SO much to share about the things moving along in my journey but a few sidetracks this week. And other things coming up that have priority. I'll actually start to reveal more to everyone soon - should probably tell my parents first when I see them this weekend? :)

I'll be climbing on a bike on Saturday for the 4th Annual Mindy's Miles Bike Ride in honor of my little sister's friend (and my sister-in-law's cousin, family friend's daughter - I love small town connections!) and her boyfriend who were killed in a car accident in 2008. It's a great morning ride - complete with my friend and yours, the Bloody Mary. One of the best I've ever had! Here's to 30 miles on Saturday for Mindy and Chris! 

And on a sad note - please keep my Uncle Steve and family in your thoughts and prayers. He's losing his 12 year battle with Multiple Myeloma, it's only a matter of time at this point. Thankfully he's surrounded by his family and is resting comfortably during these last few days with us. To my Aunt Denise and her boys (Mike, Todd and Troy) - you're all at the top of our prayer list for strength to get through the days ahead. We all love you and are here for you. 

Love to everyone! Make it a GREAT weekend! 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Oh's Hump Day! :)

Hope it was a happy hump day for everyone! 
I can't complain much...I got my back cracked (and boy it was a big one - like a little throw up in my mouth, but in a good way) and now the CMT Music Awards are on. You should be thankful you aren't here listening to me sing along. One of my biggest loves - country music. Minus Taylor Swift. But I think I figured out how she wins video of the year on things like this. They don't limit the number of times you can vote for something. There's probably some horny 13 year old boy thinking she's the best thing ever and votes during the entire show. 

You can bet I was close to that voting for Jason Aldean.

I had a fabulous lunch date yesterday with my friend Angie. She is an amazing woman I met in the Silpada business and am blessed to call her my friend. So much to share later on how Silpada has gotten me to the place I'm in today. She's a woman who doesn't take no for an answer and doesn't limit herself on where her life can go. She's a "Why not?" woman. And she has an amazing gift of sharing that with you and doesn't even know how she has helped me have the confidence to get where I want to be. She was the first person to tell me, "You'll be successful wherever you build your business, you have to know where is best for YOU."  It was fabulous to sit there and talk about my dreams for my business and share with someone the direction I want it to go. It was crazy the ideas I developed that I hadn't thought yet of while sitting there sharing it (of course I immediately went and wrote them down once I got back to work...just so I don't forget). She told me I was looking great and glowing (as only Ang can!) and then laughingly asked, "Are you pregnant?" My response, "It'd have to be Immaculate Conception if that was the case." I guess that's what finally making plans to follow your dream can do for a girl. The right plans. Finally figured out what those are. One last thing she told me (and you wonder why this was a fabulous date - who gets this many compliments in an hour?) "You have too much talent to waste sitting in an office working for someone else, doing what you do." 

Ahh, there are so many options I need to consider before jumping on this new and crazy venture. The worst part of it - not being able to just to the dreaming part of it. I actually have to be a 'big kid' and do research, make contacts, make the tough decisions and some of those are yucky ones. Decisions I don't know what the best option might be for me. If only the real estate market wasn't still less than fabulous. *sigh* 

And yep, that's the only clue you're getting to the future steps I'm taking with developing my business. You'll just have to stay tuned to find out more! 

Monday, June 4, 2012

I'd say I want a Monday do-over...

...but that would just mean the weekend would be farther away. So I'll take today as it was and keep moving forward! 

So it was a funny day from the start. And it got myself and a friend talking about dating and the quality of men we are meeting/being introduced to etc. It's funny how you can have a conversation with someone and it goes amazing, on for hours and you think -dang this dude is actually a GOOD one. Believe me, we ladies in our 30's (f*ck - that makes me feel old) - ladies in our EARLY 30's continuously wonder if there are truly any good ones left out there. The ones we end up talking to more than once turn out to be guys that likely don't deserve take us out on a first date. Or even to have another conversation with. And it's the stuff they DON'T tell you about that changes all of this. In the society we live in, we definitely need to protect ourselves and do our homework. So once you have at least a first/last name you are pretty much set to do at least a little pre-screening (aka internet stalking). Is that a bad thing? Should we be allowed to judge the potential of another person to be a good match based on information we find out about them online? I mean, there's creeping their Facebook page to see what kind of pics they have (aka ones with an unmentioned gf/ex-gf - which is a prompt eliminator.) 

Then there's the next step. Online court records searching. Now, don't tell me you haven't done this to ANYONE ever. (If you haven't...kudos to you. But you should try it. For real.) Let's start turning over rocks on people. Some people's are pretty harmless (seat belt, speeding, window tint) but others have a little more going on that you'd ever think. Assault, domestic abuse, felonies - yikes, etc. Some things are major deal breakers. No matter how much a person says they've changed, they are working on getting their life together - there's always that little part of you that wonders what else they HAVEN'T told you. (And I know that no guy is going to come out on a first date/convo/whatever and tell you he's got an assault charge but when was it and what's he doing now? Is his life REALLY together or is he still living in his parents house and can barely hold a steady job?) So, are their kids out there they aren't telling you about that they have to pay child support on but aren't? (Ooh, if they owe back support...that shit will go on forever!) Do they have a crazy ex-spouse that isn't over the relationship with? You just never know.

We all have a past. No doubt about it. But when you check out MY name under Iowa Courts Online - all you're going to find is a slew of speeding tickets and a small claims court case. That's right. I took an ex-boyfriend to court. We had a small misunderstanding who was responsible for paying for that amp and cabinets he needed for his gig in a band. We'll just say, he paid for it. :) 

Is that disqualifying information for someone creeping on me? Might be. All they'd have to do is ask about it and I'll tell them how it is. I'm like the First Bank of Sarah. You don't pay me money owed, I'm required to take action. I just don't have to defend myself on bail being made, time spent in jail or probation. My lesson was a pretty easy one to learn and grow from. :) 

Now if you'll excuse me - I have a little "research" to do...

Sunday, June 3, 2012

I'm apparently a slow or lazy blogger since I've only posted once. Hoping to have words of wisdom or new revelations in life to pass on...well, I'm lame and have none of that. Yet. I was actually sick most of last week so I bailed on my friend for dinner/drinks on Wednesday (lame sauce, I know...but I needed another night on the couch) and thankfully felt more normal Thursday. I was SO ready to answer phones for a few days at DHS. You'd be entertained by the things people feel they need to call and ask about. Here's my top 3 from Thursday/Friday. 
1. A young lady calls in to ask where she can get information about getting her pets spayed/neutered by the ARL paid by DHS since she's on food stamps. Umm, I'm sorry miss but I don't know what one has to do with the other. 
2. A lady calls in for her brother (I'd say probably in her 30's, maybe?) and I told her I needed his permission to talk to her. She tells me, "Well he's in the bathroom right now." Ok. Then I hear a door open/shut and silence after her telling him I need his permission to talk to her. It's silent for a good 45 seconds. All of a sudden she's back on the phone telling me she doesn't know why he won't talk to me. Umm, maybe it's because you are in the bathroom with him and it's likely awkward?!? This call lasts a good 3-4 minutes in complete awkwardness as I then tell her she'll need to call back when he's ready to give permission. 
3. A man calls in asking why his income was put so high because it caused his food stamps to go down. Yep, your income is higher now sir so that's what happens. Argued with me that we were wrong in our calculation and everything, nothing I said was "right". Told him to get his notice out and I walked him through it talking about gross vs. net income and why we use gross (which of course he doesn't think is far until I go thru the deductions we give him from it) and he told me I should have started there. Right sir. I told him then maybe he should be sitting in my seat doing my job. He told me he could do a better job. Yep,  you're right. Your work ethic of not regularly putting in even close to 40 hours/week (or even any at all) at your temp job clearly qualifies you over me to do this job. Jackass. You better believe I hung up on his ass. 

Yet you all wonder why I don't want to stay with this glamorous career forever?

On Thursday, I was excited when I got home - package from Thirty One sitting on my doorstep and my order from Amazon in my mailbox. Definitely cute new bags to use for different things (busted one out for my trip to the Farmers Market yesterday - worked perfect!). And after avoiding most trends of books to read (like Twilight & Hunger Games)I caved and bought the Fifty Shades of Grey series. And I was sucked into the first one within the first 3 chapters. Ridiculously sucked in enough to stay up until 1:00am to finish the first one. And up til 2:30 starting the second. Finished the 2nd on Friday night. Read the entire 3rd yesterday. Completely lame on my part for the weekend...who spends the whole thing reading? Ugh. But they were great books. Would highly recommend them. 

And that's your lesson on why I don't buy books often. I get nothing else done until I finish them. 

Crap - I need to get back to work. Took a couple crazy pills this morning and decided to clean out my master closet. It's amazing! Got rid of 13 pairs of jeans. There's now 4 garbage bags of clothes for donation. But all the junk NOT going back in it needs to be sorted out for other closets and my office. And I'm over working on the project. Effff. Where the hell is my personal assistant again?!? 

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday :)