Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Ooh...a winter storm!

Yikes! Has it really been over 2 months since I last posted on here? Yep, looks like it. The last time I posted it was a wonderful fall day and now there's talk of 6-8" of snow in Iowa tomorrow...how things change!

Speaking of CHANGE - here's a quick recap of a few things that have happened recently.

First - I had surgery. Nothing really serious, but I got my gallbaldder out. That's only been 4+ years coming. Thankfully they listened to me and took it out. So far so good. One less organ to worry about. Did I mention that my surgeon was pretty attractive and not married?!? Yeah, I was too out of it to act on that one...we'll go with that. Regardless of how out of it I was, I would have been too chicken to do anything!
Second - I QUIT MY JOB!!! Yep, that's right. I got an offer to run the prom store full time this season and after lots of thinking and working the numbers, I decided to jump off the food stamp ship! I gave my notice last Thursday and my last day is 12.31.12. Then I'm off to living at the mall, selling dresses and doing something I enjoy! I'll miss some of the people and the great health insurance but it wasn't enough for me to continue doing something that sucks the life out of me.

Here's the week when all of this came down.
Sunday - Get the text with the job offer from the prom store owner.
Monday - Get a call from the guy in Algona about my building.
Tuesday - Meet with the surgeon who gives me the go ahead on surgery.
Thursday - Gallbladder surgery

So I lose my mind a bit when I get the text not knowing what to do and I abandon my Christmas decorating to go pace the floor at my friend's new house while she paints. The phone call made me a little more nervous until I talked to him (someone wants to rent the building from Feb-April and then it's mine in May - PHEW!). And meeting with the surgeon threw my life into a bit of crazy, set the surgery for 2 days out after making sure I had people to take care of me and could be off work for a week. But I think had that not all happened the way that it did, I wouldn't have made every single decision I needed to make. I was out of it for the first 5 days from the pain and the meds, but after that I was able to think about things more and work some numbers to figure out how to make it work. Went back to work the following Monday knowing what I was going to do, just took me until Thursday to have the guts to tell them! And once it was out at the office - I could do nothing but SMILE. Everyone is really excited and supportive of what I am doing and wants to hear all about it. And I think some are a bit jealous that I'm following my dream. Someone said to me, "You're so lucky you have the chance to do this." To that I said, "We all have the chance to do what you want with your life, you just have to take it."

1.1.13 is the start of something new. My new life. On my terms. Doing things I love. And all I can say is...
It's about damn time! :)