Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Happy almost Thump Thump Thursday :) 

Yep, finally did something tonight I've been meaning to do yet just keep dragging my feet on. Finally bought my domain name. Yikes! I kept thinking I'd just keep stalking it on Go Daddy's website to make sure someone else didn't take it but while doing that I realized I was doing it again. Always just waiting for the PERFECT time to do something and usually for silly reasons (which through all my life coaching I realize is not in service to my greatness). So I decided tonight was the time for me to JUST DO IT. No excuses. Just pull the trigger. No more little chicken shit Sarah V style...

So yep. Sorry folks but is MINE! :) 

Now onto creating a web page. Lots of work to do on that one. Double yikes! I'll save those yikes for another night. A few other things to tackle tonight - I have to be up by 3:30am to take some wonderful people to the airport.

Here's to not Talking About it and Being About it! :) 

Monday, August 20, 2012

Mastering the Art of Procrastination...

Happy Monday!

I'd have to say I'm definitely a master already! No need to practice here - I'm totally one of those people who can accomplish more in one lunch hour than I can in the 3 days before when everything SHOULD have been done. Just pinned this on Pinterest and I think it fits...

After spending the weekend with some of my family at the fabulous Iowa State Fair on Saturday for around 5 hours (4 adults and 4 kids  = man to man defense) and then laying around yesterday before heading back to the fair to catch the Boyz II Men free concert with a group of work girls - let's just say, I have a lot of things to take care of tonight. Yet, I wouldn't trade the time at the fair with everyone for anything - it was GORGEOUS out this weekend which means seeing the butter cow, a giant boar, bull and a whole load of animals, caught part of the open class cattle show, ate my fair share of food on a stick and watched the kid love riding the rides. Granted, my damn feet hurt a lot more than I'd like them too...stupid plantar fasciitis screwing with my world. It's a bitch getting old. Or having jobs that require standing on concrete a lot. Gonna have to get em figured out before another prom season and so I can hit up the gym tomorrow night after work.

So with that little blurb for you - I'm off! Need to do another load of laundry, pay a few bills, email a bride about her wedding next Saturday (my FIRST day of the event gig!), buy my domain name (shhh - I know I said I was doing it before), check out info on getting a tax id and registering my name with the state, get a hostess packet ready for a Silpada show I booked last week, and a few other things that need mailed (how the hell did I lose a whole sheet of stamps?) and squeeze in a quick ab workout before heading to bed.

Yep, that's right - it's only 8:20. The night is young....Right? :)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

In a Bit of a Rut...

Believe me...I know it could be MUCH worse than it is. Day in, day out - I see people in a much worse spot than myself. And most of them don't have one clue how to get out of their situation or even have desire big enough to make it happen. Desire to pursue my dream - check. A clue/plan to get out of the crummy job and do something I want - check. 

After spending 5 days in Atlanta working for someone who makes all her own decisions on how her business is going to run - it's been a bitch coming back to work. And dealing with the office politics, the BS and doing something that drains me rather than fills me up. *sigh* I'd throw myself a pity party, but I know I'm not going to be there forever. Probably only another 8.5 months if all goes well with my plans. I know it's going to fly by (especially once January comes around...hello prom season chaos!) but day to day, it's been dragging this week. I guess that's how it goes when you go on vacation - you're all hyped up for it before and during and when you come back, you're totally bummed because it's over. I never said Atlanta was vacation (who works 12 hours/day while on vacation?) but it was a trip doing something I enjoy MUCH more than my 8-4:30 job. 

My motivation this week is high in thoughts but in practice, I suck at it. I have all these ideas sitting at my desk, lists made of things to accomplish once I get home - yet, I end up sitting on the couch watching seemingly endless hours of One Tree Hill on the DVR (pathetic - yes but it's entertaining and filled with drama I don't have in my life - total guilty pleasure!), pinning things on Pinterest and creeping people on FB. Seriously Sarah? Get a life. How are you going to make this move and take this leap if you can't get your chubby butt off the couch? Oh yeah, haven't been the gym in almost 2 weeks now. I have decided to forgive myself this week and get back at it next gym goals are currently being set. In my mind. Just have to get in practice come Monday night. Need to shed another 10lbs and get toned up again. I think I need to be a bit of a hottie when I move up north. Why? Not sure. Well I might know a little bit of the why....but that's my secret! :) 

Ahh - just need to get over this hump. Hopefully seeing my friend and her new baby tomorrow at the hospital, then going to dinner with girlfriends after that puts a little pep back in my step. Should probably stop by and see her again on Friday night too since I won't get to camp out too long tomorrow after work. If that doesn't do me in - maybe a trip to the Iowa State Fair this weekend will help. How can a pork chop on a stick and mini donuts not make a girl happy? Hope Pat & Mere let me tag along with them! Pretty sure I'll kick some ass if they don't! 

The one thing that has made me smile and practically dance out of my chair this week. My country music. Those who know me know I listen to nothing else. Well, country music and prom market don't go hand in hand (someone did play a bit of it during down time but their idea of country was Taylor Swift and that chick makes my skin crawl - ugh!) so it had been awhile. Current new favorites - Take a Little Ride by Jason Aldean and Beer Money by Kip Moore. HUGE fan of Mr. Aldean and Mr. Moore's voice is super gravelly in this song...YUM. :) 

Night all! :) 

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Ahh...fresh air!

What a gorgeous Sunday morning! It's a mild 68 degrees here right now and only topping out at 81 today...a perfect morning to shut off the air, open the windows and enjoy a cup of coffee. Makes me smile. 

It was a week full of many, many thoughts, decisions and taking more steps for ME. I often get sidetracked by great things that work well for others but not always for myself. And it takes me a bit to get there, but I soon realize it's ok to do what works best for me and my life. So with that - I've decided to drop one of the balls I started juggling a week ago. After much thought, a few tears and a few drinks - I've decided to stop doing Body by Vi. Something about it just doesn't feel right in my gut. It's a fabulous product and the business side of it is working amazing for a lot of people, I just know in my heart it's not the business for me. And guess what? That's OK. I'm finally good with saying it out loud. 

So the focus is on two things. Silpada and Simply Divine. Does that mean I'm not juggling anymore? You probably can just juggle two things, but anyone who knows me knows I'll throw something else in there. Just have to find it. For now, going to focus and keep moving forward on both of these. It's my life. Living it for me to make myself happy. 

The weekend has been great so far. Happy hour started at 4:30 and ended long after the drink deals did on Friday night. Quick trip to get my haircut with my girl Trudie which gave me a nice road trip to think, sing and have a little fun. Then pizza with my sister and her family - those kids just crack me up. Made a diaper cake for a baby shower today. Now off to deliver it and then spend the day cleaning my house, making food and pricing jewelry for a Sample Sale/Retired Party for Silpada tomorrow night. 

Tuesday I'm off to Atlanta for Prom Market until Sunday! It will be a fabulous week of dresses, drinks and LOTS of work. But fun work. :) 

Have a fabulous week!