Saturday, March 29, 2014

A little Reflection...

To say it's been more than awhile is an understatement. This is probably the last thing I should be doing on a Saturday morning at the shop when I have a bridal show to get ready for tomorrow and a gift basket to have ready…yesterday. Yet I feel compelled to write about my thoughts and my heart right now.
My life is completely different than it was one year ago today. I'm content and settled in a bit more in my new town and working to get this business going steady. 2014 is going to be a great year for Simply Divine - though it will be constant challenges, lots of work and all the fun stuff in between. I am confident I can make this business THRIVE for years to come, I know that. I am finally - after 11 years post college graduation - in the career I want to be in, working for myself - like I always knew I would. That is a huge source of being content. I'm settled into a smaller town, though I still miss the a lot about the city I was in before but I am happy with where I am. So where does this leave my heart?
My heart is ready to open up to someone. And as per usual Sarah style -I have my sights set on a certain man. Someone who makes my heart want to open up, brings that desire to have a companion I can trust to give my heart to, someone to laugh with, share my day with, someone who will hold my hand and kiss me on the cheek just because, someones arms I can curl into and feel completely 'home'. I'd say it'd be someone to "complete me" but I really don't believe I need someone to complete me (and let's be real - that makes me gag a bit), I am pretty much complete by myself. I just want someone to be there with me, for me and for me to be there completely in return. When I see him, I want to grin like an idiot (but I don't), when we talk (which isn't often) I get jitters inside and when I see him, it makes my day just a bit brighter. He is the first man in a LONG time that flusters me to be around, though I completely try to play it cool. There's a lot of curious glances from both directions so I don't know what to think on his end but I'm completely hopeful that those glances are for the same reason I throw glances his way. We've had our first phone conversations this week - not for the reasons you're thinking but he does now have my number and I have his. (Giddy about this. Completely giddy.) The ice is totally broken, but we both still will likely play it shy. Oh, you want some deets on him? Ok - here you go (yep, grinning). He's 29 (yep, that makes me a bit of a cougar), a farmer - cattle and crops, lives at home still (yes, something I would have judged at one point in time but I am living at home right now so I'll not point fingers), drives a truck (ahhh, one of my favorite things - I could learn to love a Dodge I guess? Depends on the driver!), dark hair, brown eyes, taller than me (YES!), great smile, fun laugh and a casual disposition. I read something on Twitter today that talked about adorable and bottle feeding a calf #calvingseason - tugged at my heart as he's currently in the middle of calving as well. Might be more of a farm girl than I thought. Despite turning my nose up at the shit at the sale barn and the smell. And it hit my desire to buy that pair of Bogs (boots) and be out on the farm getting dirty with him (as I sit here in skinny jeans & flats - I also am ready for leggings, maxi skirts and everything that comes with spring fashion!). Riding in the tractor, combine, truck. Out in the dirt, the mud, the sunsets. All the things you think farm life is and that's just a small part of it's glamour - the rest is hard work, lots of sweat, bugs, flies, smells, etc. And I want it all. That's what my heart wants. Might be a lot to put on one man that doesn't know a thing. Yet.
Oh - and we call him CBB. Let's hope I get the chance someday to tell him how he got that name. :)

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Yikes! It's REALLY been awhile!

Yep, I bet you all thought I fell off the planet, right?!? Well not really, but I did fall into a new life. In a new town. In a different house. In a different...well everything. It's funny though, even with all those things changing there's something that hasn't changed. Me. Ok, maybe small parts of me have changed (I'm quite certain I have completely lost my mind/memory most days) - but the real me is still there. 

So since my last post here's the update. 
April 1st - Got the keys to the building that would become my business. 
April 28th - Prom Season was officially over.
May 19th - Loaded almost my entire house into a trailer and headed north. 
June 1st - Simply Divine Weddings & Events officially opened the doors. 

Phew. Seems easy to sum it all up in a few major dates but let me tell you - nothing about these past few months has really been easy. From tearing up the floor in the store (I call that day - Two Girls and a Rip-R-Stripper), to painting the floor, moving all of my stuff into the back room of the store, living out of boxes (I'd really like to call that part of my life - One girl. Two baskets - Tops and Bottoms) to making every single decision for the my new business. Currently my decision making skills are still exhausted, believe me. At one point I couldn't even pick out something for supper at the grocery store. That night I went home with cereal. And not anything even remotely healthy for me. 

But it's all been worth it. I'm sitting in my OWN shop. Promoting my OWN business. Where I call the shots. Something I have dreamed about for so long. And as easy and wonderful as that all seems, let me tell you - it's most likely the toughest thing I have done in my life to date. It's stressful, overwhelming, exhausting and amazingly exciting all at the same time. Until you've done it - you won't understand the feeling. Trust me. I wasn't prepared for it all myself. And it's going well so far. Has my faith in my decision been tested? Yep. Has my faith in myself been tested? Yep. Yet, it's really the faith in me from other people that has helped get me through. Without the friends and family I have, I wouldn't be sitting here right now. It's amazing to count your blessings when you may think there's not much to be counting. Even with all of this stuff going on, the things I still want in life haven't changed. It's funny because some of the things I want have never been more prominent in my mind. After going through all of this change and being strong on my own (which I have done for SO long and it's natural for me), I realize now how important it is to me to have someone by my side. *sigh* It's something I have always wanted, whether I have acted like it or not and said I don't need anyone, I can do it on my own - it's still there in my heart. It's time to finally start dating again. It's time to be brave enough to open my heart to someone again. And God knows the thought of that scares the living bejeezus out of me. But I'm ready. As hard and as scary as it will be, I have to. In order to live the life I have imagined - I have to. And most importantly, I want to. 
Now I just need to get rid of the one I still talk to that doesn't deserve me. Or realize the amazing thing sitting in front of his face. The one who has never shown me that he will actually be the kind of man I need/want in my life. Yet I still talk to him. We'll see for how much longer. 

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

New Year, New Life!

Happy New Year!

Yep, I'm 9 days late getting that out there - but better late than never, right? In my defense, I've been working my tail off since before the first of the year. First day off was today and it was glorious! Lots of little things accomplished which is always a great feeling. Back to the mall tomorrow - 15 more weeks, give or take a few days (not that I am counting!). Yikes, that means in 15 weeks I need to have things together to move and open a business. Gulp. I have a lot to do.

I've been doing a lot of thinking and 2012 was the year of decisions. It started in May, when I decided I wasn't happy with where my life was going and I needed a change. This lead to the decision to explore business opportunities out of Des Moines and deciding to move to make a different life for myself. Once this was decided on a time line of May 2013 to move and open business, another decision needed to be made. In December I decided to quit my job with the State of Iowa and take on the Jordan Creek GLAM store for prom season. Talk about a lot of deciding to take the leaps needed to live the life I've imagined.

Now, 2013 is the year of change. All of the decisions made in 2012 are now the changes happening in 2013. New job for 4 months - check. Transitioning back to retail from a desk job is a change for me, but it will get easier as I get used to it. Then comes the biggest change in May - packing up my life and moving back to Algona to open up my business. Damn, I'm excited but holy sh*t I'm nervous and anxious too. So much to think about, worry about, be excited about - cripes, it might all drive me crazy here soon. Wait a second, the crazy train already left and you can bet your ass I was on the train!

With all of the decisions and changes going on - I'm still so HAPPY. Happy to finally be pursuing my dreams. Doing something I love. I've had countless friends tell me, "2013 is going to be your year, Sarah." And you know what? I believe them and think the exact same thing! Is it going to be easy? Hell no! Is it going to be fun? You better believe it. Do I think it's going to bring me to the life I've always dreamed of? Yes.
I love this and it couldn't be more true right now! Life is too short NOT to live your dream!
Happy 2013 everyone! Do something this year that changes your life! 

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Ooh...a winter storm!

Yikes! Has it really been over 2 months since I last posted on here? Yep, looks like it. The last time I posted it was a wonderful fall day and now there's talk of 6-8" of snow in Iowa things change!

Speaking of CHANGE - here's a quick recap of a few things that have happened recently.

First - I had surgery. Nothing really serious, but I got my gallbaldder out. That's only been 4+ years coming. Thankfully they listened to me and took it out. So far so good. One less organ to worry about. Did I mention that my surgeon was pretty attractive and not married?!? Yeah, I was too out of it to act on that one...we'll go with that. Regardless of how out of it I was, I would have been too chicken to do anything!
Second - I QUIT MY JOB!!! Yep, that's right. I got an offer to run the prom store full time this season and after lots of thinking and working the numbers, I decided to jump off the food stamp ship! I gave my notice last Thursday and my last day is 12.31.12. Then I'm off to living at the mall, selling dresses and doing something I enjoy! I'll miss some of the people and the great health insurance but it wasn't enough for me to continue doing something that sucks the life out of me.

Here's the week when all of this came down.
Sunday - Get the text with the job offer from the prom store owner.
Monday - Get a call from the guy in Algona about my building.
Tuesday - Meet with the surgeon who gives me the go ahead on surgery.
Thursday - Gallbladder surgery

So I lose my mind a bit when I get the text not knowing what to do and I abandon my Christmas decorating to go pace the floor at my friend's new house while she paints. The phone call made me a little more nervous until I talked to him (someone wants to rent the building from Feb-April and then it's mine in May - PHEW!). And meeting with the surgeon threw my life into a bit of crazy, set the surgery for 2 days out after making sure I had people to take care of me and could be off work for a week. But I think had that not all happened the way that it did, I wouldn't have made every single decision I needed to make. I was out of it for the first 5 days from the pain and the meds, but after that I was able to think about things more and work some numbers to figure out how to make it work. Went back to work the following Monday knowing what I was going to do, just took me until Thursday to have the guts to tell them! And once it was out at the office - I could do nothing but SMILE. Everyone is really excited and supportive of what I am doing and wants to hear all about it. And I think some are a bit jealous that I'm following my dream. Someone said to me, "You're so lucky you have the chance to do this." To that I said, "We all have the chance to do what you want with your life, you just have to take it."

1.1.13 is the start of something new. My new life. On my terms. Doing things I love. And all I can say is...
It's about damn time! :)

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Ahh, a sunny fall weekend in Iowa :)

Happy Saturday morning everyone!

It's a chilly one out there this morning (all of 35 degrees - whoa!) so grab a cup of hot coffee, apple cider (with a splash of buttershots in it if you want, I'm not judging! While you're at it - add some Bailey's to your coffee, it's the weekend!) and enjoy it. I know I'm going to.

Spent last weekend in Omaha and it was a blast. Full of laughter, shopping and everything in between. A nice road trip across Iowa in the fall two weekends in a row is never a bad thing. It's amazing to watch harvest progress. I grew up with it my entire life and never had the thought to appreciate it for all of it's beauty until I lived in the "city" for almost 10 years. :)

A lot has happened this week that has made me sit back, think and be thankful. Sitting here this morning on my bed - country music playing, coffee in hand, laptop, phone and making a To Do list for the weekend. I have many things in life to be thankful for. It's funny to think I do my best thinking, sorting out my thoughts and working while sitting on my bed (or driving down the road, actually). It's the sort of thing you'd expect from a college student not a 30ish year old woman - but it works for me. I'm enjoying a quiet Saturday morning because I know they won't always be like this for me (come January 1st - weekends are anything but quiet!) and I need to take advantage while I have the opportunity.

Friends for a Reason, Friends for a Season and Friends for a Lifetime. 

Next to my family, one thing I am most thankful for is my friends. Nothing is more true than the saying above (if you know me - you know I'm obsessed with fabulous quotes!) and it's funny when you take the time to think about it, you can put every friend you have into one of these places. Don't get me wrong - I've had plenty (and probably more than plenty!) of friends that are there for a reason and the others that are there for the season. I am MOST thankful for those that are there for a lifetime. It's also funny as you get older, you sometimes figure out the ones that are actually going to be there for a lifetime quicker than you used to. Sometimes I get sidetracked and spend a little too much time with the ones I know will be around for the season/reason because it's easier and convenient because they are often in closer proximity. But - when push comes to shove, it's the lifetime ones you can truly count on. And I count my blessings that I have been lucky enough to make some fabulous lifetime friends that I can truly count on. Isn't it funny that most came later in life? Yeah, childhood friends are great and some people have some from outside their family, mine are my siblings. High school friends? Yep, I have a couple of truly great besties that I still talk to, see and love dearly. College friends? Yet another group of ladies who I still talk to, see occasionally, and one for sure that will be my best friend for life. Bigger group than high school. Adult made friends? Yep, another group of fabulous people that I know are in it for the long haul kind of friends. All met in a different way, for a different reason, don't see each other as often as we'd like but they are there. I love being an adult and making true friends with new people - every one of them adds something else to my life. All of these people are the ones I would drop everything for in a heartbeat when they need me.

Knowing one of these friends for a lifetime is going through something you never want someone so close to go through, has been hard on me this week. Yet, through all my own tears - I'm going to be there for her when she needs me. She's one of those people to me. To those who have been there for ME this week, I am truly blessed to have you in my life as MY friend. Knowing there are people in my life like that makes it easier to let go of those friends who are there for a reason or a season. The ones you wanted to let in for a lifetime but something in the friendship just didn't quite click to let that happen. I'm not sure if I'm the kind of person that makes friends easily or not so much (I honestly couldn't tell you) but when you're really my friend - you get to see it all. And you love that I am who I am. A lady with a mouth, a temper, an attitude, lots of sass but with a huge heart for all those who deserve to see it. I don't let that part out there as easily as I used to. I've been burned by people too many times.

A little much for a Saturday morning, I know. But I've been through some ups and downs with friends this week and some things I'm washing my hands of. For myself. Nothing against anyone, but I need to do things in service of myself and my own greatness. :)

Shit. That took WAY longer than I thought to get out the way I wanted (yes, perfectionist!) - that HUGE to do list isn't going to tackle itself. Here's to a weekend of crazy girl cleaning, laundry and getting things done! Last drink of coffee...I'm off and running!

Happy Weekend!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Twice in one week?!?

Yep, that's right. I'm off my completely unintended hiatus! Well for now...

I'm up at my parents house this weekend and finally had a little time to myself. Right now, my dad and brother are in the field, my mom, little sister and sister-in-law are all at a baby shower and I have the house all to me for a bit. It's a gorgeous day - a bit windy, mid 50's, and harvest is in full swing in Iowa. It really doesn't get more wonderful than this - this time of year is just so beautiful. Ooh and hit up the high school football game last night - always seems a little smaller when you've been out of high school for over 10 years.

A little news on the business front. I met with the man who is in charge of renting the building I am interested in. Good news is that he's talked to the president of the board about me and what I'm looking to do and they both think it would be a great fit for the space. And that there's only been one other somewhat serious inquiry into the building other than myself. We talked about what I want, my time table and intentions and possible other options I could have (not mentioning that - don't wanna jinx it!) and price for renting. So things went pretty well on all fronts, hoping for some possible negotiation but we'll see what magic my dad can work on that one. Kinda bad news (with silver lining good news) - someone could still step in and rent the building before me. I can't hold it without paying half the rent every month without actually being there. So between now and the end of the year it's still on the market. If nothing happens between now and then, as of January 1, 2013 - it's mine. So fingers crossed, send up the prayers between now and then. :)

Just a little update - you're all still probably cleaning up everything I threw at you the other night. Back to work...or maybe some reading. Just finishing up book four in a series and want to knock it out. LOVE the series - so if you are looking for something easy to read and full of adorable, check out Nora Roberts' Bride Quartet. I've read all 4 in a matter of 2 weeks. Yes, I'm obsessed!

Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

Thursday, September 20, 2012's been awhile!

Whoa! It's been just a WEE bit of time since I've posted anything. Right. Pretty pathetic on my part. Sounds a little harsh, doesn't it? Well - that's pretty much how I roll. I definitely hold myself to a higher standard than I do others and in every part of my life. As a friend, sister, daughter, employee - you name it. Some days you could say I'm harsh, overly self critical or it's rough constructive criticism, and you'd be right. But it's the Virgo in me striving for perfection. Oh yeah, I don't make time for bullshit in my life. Including people. Bullshit people - that's weird to think but I think you get what I mean? Probably makes me a bit of a bitch but meh, I'll live with that. I just don't put up with people or things in my life that drain me. Been there. Done that. OVER IT.

Wow - that was a bit of a tangent. Super sorry about that. I'd delete it but...Nah, not today.

On to things a little more fun. :)

For my fabulous friend Brooke - it's time for the skinny on the wedding from Labor Day weekend. Ask and you will receive. Ten fold.

Started off with a trip to pick up the linens for the reception and deliver them to the site. Went into the place to get them and in essence they have the kind of business I am working to build soon so my ever inquisitive eye was scoping things out. Yes, they have a nice place and looks like they could put things together for people. I just know from looking what I want to do better. And not in a snotty way, just in a way...ok probably snotty. Whatever. I just know how I want myself and my business to come across at first impression to people. Picked them up and drove them out -met with the General Manager who would be overseeing the event so we could chat a bit and know what we needed from each other. She was fabulous to work with and you could easily tell it wasn't the first wedding she'd put on. Loved it.

Off to the rehearsal - got there early to meet with the wedding coordinator at the church so we could make sure we would be on the same page. Crazy enough, we hit it off really well - we've both been a part of enough weddings to know how shit needs to roll to make it a smooth success. (We are planning to grab drinks soon) Some people missed the rehearsal but they got caught up to speed so not too big of a deal. After rehearsal, I got the decorations and everything I would need for Saturday. Whew, maybe a little more than I bargained for but I can handle pretty much anything you throw at me and make it happen. Just had to go home and put it in "Sarah Order" - which in my mind is the only logical one.

The BIG day. My happy ass was up by 6:00 to get out and get decorating done. Starbucks in hand I headed out - ready to roll by 6:45 with everything in front of me. What I thought would take me an hour-ish took me closer to three. There were a few things I had to figure out I didn't know I would need to (like dressing the head wasn't even set up when I got in) and honestly, I'm THAT anal. First events have to be perfect and make a great impression. But I did it all and happily. I'm a nerd. Ran home, showered and got ready - at the church before noon. This is when the real stuff kicked in. Making sure the bride had what she needed, the girls, the guys - everyone. The church needed to run on schedule (there was another wedding after ours) and I wanted to make sure we did that and had time for what the bride wanted. We did. Although not everyone understood why - but I got all of their stuff picked up and out to where it needed before the wedding. And while they all stood up there looking lovely I was hauling purses and coolers onto the wedding party bus. Yep, I had to be the ballbuster and take the guys' cooler of beer away from them at the church...not the moment I loved doing, but better me than the crabby old lady. I had it loaded for them by the time they were complaints. At this point, I rolled out of the church with the stuff for the reception before the bride and groom were done with pics.  Probably a bit of a hasty move on my part but I wanted to make sure things were done right and bank in a bit of time if needed. (Oh yeah, I had my magic bag of tricks for the girls - and as usual, it came in handy. I wonder if people actually have a wedding without one? Foreign concept to me. Always prepared.)

Reception was fabulous! Once the wedding party showed up - I was on purse patrol, making sure everyone was good, hauling coolers out back - hell I was serving drinks to the head table. They loved that. And I didn't mind...just made sure those boys knew I wasn't going to bring them food. Just booze.
Finally I grabbed myself a plate and headed out to the main area and ate quickly in some peace and quiet. It was wonderful for a few minutes. Then the bride made sure I got myself a drink and had some fun. Which I did. Free wine? Hell yes I'm in. :) Granted I was still working while drinking but I got to relax a bit and enjoy the night. I was still bossy and got shit done. Just how I work. Probably not as much when the shots started rolling - dang girls I tell you what. But it was a fabulous time.

I got a million compliments. The bride and groom were both BEYOND happy with what I did for them. I can't tell you all the great things she said - just too much. Her parents, his parents, the wedding party - everyone. Just amazed. Which is JUST what I wanted.

Oh yeah - even hungover the next day (ugh!) I got up and went back out to the reception and picked up everything I knew was out there and took it to the hotel to sort it out with them. Yeah, apparently I never stop working. Shballs I'm crazy.

Here's a few pics from the day - one of the finished product. The other of my friend Katie who's helped me get to this place in life. And no, we're NOT sober in the pic! :)

Ahh - that took much longer than I thought to write. Sorry for throwing up all over you. You're not the first today. Oops. Oh well, clean yourselves up and get over it! HA! Off to find energy to pack to head north for the weekend!
Hope you have a great one!