Saturday, June 8, 2013

Yikes! It's REALLY been awhile!

Yep, I bet you all thought I fell off the planet, right?!? Well not really, but I did fall into a new life. In a new town. In a different house. In a different...well everything. It's funny though, even with all those things changing there's something that hasn't changed. Me. Ok, maybe small parts of me have changed (I'm quite certain I have completely lost my mind/memory most days) - but the real me is still there. 

So since my last post here's the update. 
April 1st - Got the keys to the building that would become my business. 
April 28th - Prom Season was officially over.
May 19th - Loaded almost my entire house into a trailer and headed north. 
June 1st - Simply Divine Weddings & Events officially opened the doors. 

Phew. Seems easy to sum it all up in a few major dates but let me tell you - nothing about these past few months has really been easy. From tearing up the floor in the store (I call that day - Two Girls and a Rip-R-Stripper), to painting the floor, moving all of my stuff into the back room of the store, living out of boxes (I'd really like to call that part of my life - One girl. Two baskets - Tops and Bottoms) to making every single decision for the my new business. Currently my decision making skills are still exhausted, believe me. At one point I couldn't even pick out something for supper at the grocery store. That night I went home with cereal. And not anything even remotely healthy for me. 

But it's all been worth it. I'm sitting in my OWN shop. Promoting my OWN business. Where I call the shots. Something I have dreamed about for so long. And as easy and wonderful as that all seems, let me tell you - it's most likely the toughest thing I have done in my life to date. It's stressful, overwhelming, exhausting and amazingly exciting all at the same time. Until you've done it - you won't understand the feeling. Trust me. I wasn't prepared for it all myself. And it's going well so far. Has my faith in my decision been tested? Yep. Has my faith in myself been tested? Yep. Yet, it's really the faith in me from other people that has helped get me through. Without the friends and family I have, I wouldn't be sitting here right now. It's amazing to count your blessings when you may think there's not much to be counting. Even with all of this stuff going on, the things I still want in life haven't changed. It's funny because some of the things I want have never been more prominent in my mind. After going through all of this change and being strong on my own (which I have done for SO long and it's natural for me), I realize now how important it is to me to have someone by my side. *sigh* It's something I have always wanted, whether I have acted like it or not and said I don't need anyone, I can do it on my own - it's still there in my heart. It's time to finally start dating again. It's time to be brave enough to open my heart to someone again. And God knows the thought of that scares the living bejeezus out of me. But I'm ready. As hard and as scary as it will be, I have to. In order to live the life I have imagined - I have to. And most importantly, I want to. 
Now I just need to get rid of the one I still talk to that doesn't deserve me. Or realize the amazing thing sitting in front of his face. The one who has never shown me that he will actually be the kind of man I need/want in my life. Yet I still talk to him. We'll see for how much longer. 

Have a great weekend!

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