Saturday, October 6, 2012

Ahh, a sunny fall weekend in Iowa :)

Happy Saturday morning everyone!

It's a chilly one out there this morning (all of 35 degrees - whoa!) so grab a cup of hot coffee, apple cider (with a splash of buttershots in it if you want, I'm not judging! While you're at it - add some Bailey's to your coffee, it's the weekend!) and enjoy it. I know I'm going to.

Spent last weekend in Omaha and it was a blast. Full of laughter, shopping and everything in between. A nice road trip across Iowa in the fall two weekends in a row is never a bad thing. It's amazing to watch harvest progress. I grew up with it my entire life and never had the thought to appreciate it for all of it's beauty until I lived in the "city" for almost 10 years. :)

A lot has happened this week that has made me sit back, think and be thankful. Sitting here this morning on my bed - country music playing, coffee in hand, laptop, phone and making a To Do list for the weekend. I have many things in life to be thankful for. It's funny to think I do my best thinking, sorting out my thoughts and working while sitting on my bed (or driving down the road, actually). It's the sort of thing you'd expect from a college student not a 30ish year old woman - but it works for me. I'm enjoying a quiet Saturday morning because I know they won't always be like this for me (come January 1st - weekends are anything but quiet!) and I need to take advantage while I have the opportunity.

Friends for a Reason, Friends for a Season and Friends for a Lifetime. 

Next to my family, one thing I am most thankful for is my friends. Nothing is more true than the saying above (if you know me - you know I'm obsessed with fabulous quotes!) and it's funny when you take the time to think about it, you can put every friend you have into one of these places. Don't get me wrong - I've had plenty (and probably more than plenty!) of friends that are there for a reason and the others that are there for the season. I am MOST thankful for those that are there for a lifetime. It's also funny as you get older, you sometimes figure out the ones that are actually going to be there for a lifetime quicker than you used to. Sometimes I get sidetracked and spend a little too much time with the ones I know will be around for the season/reason because it's easier and convenient because they are often in closer proximity. But - when push comes to shove, it's the lifetime ones you can truly count on. And I count my blessings that I have been lucky enough to make some fabulous lifetime friends that I can truly count on. Isn't it funny that most came later in life? Yeah, childhood friends are great and some people have some from outside their family, mine are my siblings. High school friends? Yep, I have a couple of truly great besties that I still talk to, see and love dearly. College friends? Yet another group of ladies who I still talk to, see occasionally, and one for sure that will be my best friend for life. Bigger group than high school. Adult made friends? Yep, another group of fabulous people that I know are in it for the long haul kind of friends. All met in a different way, for a different reason, don't see each other as often as we'd like but they are there. I love being an adult and making true friends with new people - every one of them adds something else to my life. All of these people are the ones I would drop everything for in a heartbeat when they need me.

Knowing one of these friends for a lifetime is going through something you never want someone so close to go through, has been hard on me this week. Yet, through all my own tears - I'm going to be there for her when she needs me. She's one of those people to me. To those who have been there for ME this week, I am truly blessed to have you in my life as MY friend. Knowing there are people in my life like that makes it easier to let go of those friends who are there for a reason or a season. The ones you wanted to let in for a lifetime but something in the friendship just didn't quite click to let that happen. I'm not sure if I'm the kind of person that makes friends easily or not so much (I honestly couldn't tell you) but when you're really my friend - you get to see it all. And you love that I am who I am. A lady with a mouth, a temper, an attitude, lots of sass but with a huge heart for all those who deserve to see it. I don't let that part out there as easily as I used to. I've been burned by people too many times.

A little much for a Saturday morning, I know. But I've been through some ups and downs with friends this week and some things I'm washing my hands of. For myself. Nothing against anyone, but I need to do things in service of myself and my own greatness. :)

Shit. That took WAY longer than I thought to get out the way I wanted (yes, perfectionist!) - that HUGE to do list isn't going to tackle itself. Here's to a weekend of crazy girl cleaning, laundry and getting things done! Last drink of coffee...I'm off and running!

Happy Weekend!

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