Thursday, July 5, 2012

Already excited for the weekend!

You have to love short work weeks, right? Well for the most part it's great - but usually just means the other 4 aren't going to be much fun. This week that is VERY true. Nothing like a great post 4th of July argument with a client over the phone to make a girl REALLY ready for the weekend. Yeah, we'll just say he seems a bit confused about where he and his son "live" right now. And whether or not the son's mom is his mom or just a "friend" they are staying with. Meh, we'll just send out an investigator to figure that one out (she is the mom, no worries there!) - apparently we weren't going to get anywhere over the phone today since I was trying to complicate things. Right sir - that'd be federal food assistance policy just being a pain in the ass again. Barf :)

Ahh, not much happening on the future business front this week. Still waiting for a call back from the owner of the building I'm interested in. I'll chalk it up to vacation (and my message probably sounded like a crazy lady ramble as well...that's me!) and call back next week if I hear nothing by then. Want to know price, timeline, etc. I have worked out a tentative timeline in my mind now so need to know if that's going to work. Working on different things instead. Research on other businesses similar in the general area to see what I'm up against. A little Body by Vi lunch to get that rolling. Major house cleaning overhaul. Finally got my office and spare bedroom in order so I can USE both of them now. Tornado Sarah cleanup complete. Phew. I've thrown away and recycled a TON of stuff. Amazing feeling. 

And it's all in time for....GLAM girls weekend, Round 2! Brooke (of the fabulous Brooklyn's Photography in Omaha) is coming to town. She ran the Omaha GLAM store this season and I wish I got to spend more time over there with her. Lots of phone conversations though. And texts. And pics. And of course she's coming not only to see me, but to see Libby (Libby & Jean) too! Libby has ran the Jordan Creek GLAM store for the past couple of years. I'm the girl who gets to GLAM part time (ran the store in 2010) but pretty much marry the store for 4 months even if not there around the clock. Yes, I have issues. You should know this by now. We're going to check out the Farmers Market, World Market, maybe a little boating, definitely cocktails and who knows what else? I'm EXCITED! 

These are the 2 girls who talked me into getting a Mac when in Omaha in May. Seriously, bought one within 1 hour at Nebraska Furniture Mart. They both blog. So I started blogging. (You need to check them both out - & Young entrepreneurs like myself that want more out of life. Oh yeah, and Brooke has been bugging me about Twitter - so I got on Twitter yesterday. Now if I only knew something about it. HA! 

Enjoy your weekend! I'll be sure to post pictures next week...once I figure out how to successfully do that. Crap...I really should have gotten a spray tan tonight. There's always tomorrow! 

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