Sunday, July 15, 2012

It's time to make decisions...

Happy Sunday Night?!? 

Right. I don't think those words go well together either. For now. I can't wait for the day when I don't get crabby to have to go to work on Monday. It's going to happen. Sooner rather than later. 100% For Sure time frame has yet to be determined...but I have a good idea in my mind. I'll let you all know after I meet with the man who owns a building on Saturday. Here's hoping it all goes the way I want it to! 

I think I've been a little overwhelmed by everything lately. Don't get me wrong - I'm excited beyond belief to be taking the steps to living the life of my dreams. It's just a lot to process and make decisions about. So excited, scared to death, anxious, happy, blah blah blah - the list goes on about all of things I feel about this change. I'm not going to let the fear stop me from doing what I want. I'm addicted to fabulous quotes and here's one I'm digging. (and yes, I have spent WAY too much time on Pinterest in the past 24 hours)

"Decide you want it more than you are afraid of it" ~Bill Cosby

Decision made. I want it. BAD. More than anything so far in my life. Yep, scared out of my mind. So many things that might happen, could happen, could NOT happen. *sigh* But it's not going to stop me. Just have to keep working on everything. And make my dreams a reality. 

I've also had the issue of doing it 'alone'. I've done many things on my own in my life and I'm a pretty strong lady for taking things on by myself. Yet I realize as I work through things and as much as I try to do myself - I'm SO not alone. Family & friends have a lot of faith and belief in me and what I'm working on. And offering to help with the things I'm not as good at or as interested in taking care of (and this list is HUGE - I like the fun/creative parts of everything NOT the business/financial/bookwork side of it all). Thankfully I have a sister who's a CPA, a brother who's a loan officer, another sister who knows more about my computer than I EVER will and parents who have been self employed their entire lives and have a wealth of knowledge. And other friends who own their own businesses that know a bunch of things I need as well. And everyone is so willing to offer help. So, I'm not in this alone. At all. :) 

Now I need to sleep on potential domain names. Thought I had one picked and now I'm between two. I'll pick one, I promise. Just want to make sure it's the "right" one. 

Have a fabulous week! 

1 comment:

  1. Sarah, I can't wait to hear about how your meeting went yesterday! :) You go girl!
