Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Just another Tuesday...

Hope everyone is enjoying the week so far :) It's almost Hump Day...

My weekend was fabulous! It was great to spend most of it with Brooke & Libby. We have fun every time we get together. Road sodas in hand we headed to Saylorville lake on Saturday afternoon to go boating on Libby's boat. I haven't boated in a few years and I was MUCH more sober and smart this time around. I actually put on sunscreen. So this porcelain princess didn't fry and make herself miserable like the last time. Score for that. And in true Brooke & Libby fashion - they talked me into something AGAIN. I went tubing behind the boat for the first time in my life! It was a blast. The 3 of us could fit on it together so we were back there screaming and laughing like we were 12 years old. But my 31 year old body was feeling it BIG TIME on Sunday. Holy shit. Might be one of the last things I let them talk me into. Who am I kidding? There will be something next time. I just know it. Bitches. 
Got a few new books from Amazon as well. If you're a Bethenny Frankel fan - you have to read her new book, Skinnydipping. It's fantastic! If you aren't a Bethenny Frankel fan, I am sorry for your life. I think she's hilarious, tells-it-as-it-is, motivated, woman. And she's real. You see the bullshit in her life along with all the roses - I like knowing and seeing it all. One of her other books, A Place of Yes, is one of my favorites. Finally a book that I can relate to and read to help better myself. (I struggle big time with books like this - I get distracted and bored easily but this one held my attention, which is hard with my self diagnosed ADHD) Highly recommend! And I also got the $100 Startup - starting out as a good read. It's just not a book I will devour in a day like I did the first. (No one appears to be falling in love in this one!)  
The week has started off pretty well. Which is good since I slept just north of awful on Sunday night. I needed the chiropractor more than I needed to eat yesterday - and not just from tubing (he laughed when I told him I did it!) but because I was due for my monthly appointment. Popped pretty much everything from my neck to my ass. Damn, he does might fine work - I walked out feeling human again. Had dinner with some girlfriends and told them about my plans. Of course they are excited for me, but sad to have me move. I mean, who wouldn't want to live near me all the time? :) Bahahahaha - I flatter myself. Then we went to Magic Mike. With all the hype the movie got, I expected a little more. Don't get me wrong - it was good, but not GREAT. I think of how much hype the first Sex and the City movie got and that delivered it all (it was on E! yesterday after my appointment - you bet your ass I sat and watched it). 

Ooh Ooh Ooh - I talked with the man who owns the building I have my eye on in Algona yesterday too. AND...I'm going to meet with him next weekend when I'm back home to discuss my plans/ideas with him and see if what I think fits in with his timeline and mine too. YAY!  I'll have to squeeze him in between watching my new nephew show his bottle calf at the county fair and seeing my best friend from high school who's back from Dallas for the weekend. :) You know I'l find time for this one! Now I just gotta get my shit together! 

Big Happy Birthday to my brother in law Zach today and my brother Pat tomorrow! :)

Night all! 

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