Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Domain names, tax id's and registration - OH MY!

Ahh, midway through the week. Can't complain, right? Well I've been married to my couch for the past day and a half - so it could be better, yet it could be worse. I'm not completely dying over here but have definitely felt better. It's been a few days of resting, sleeping, TV watching and excessive pinning. Oh, and trying to start a forum for a couple of girlfriends and myself to have a book club and recipe exchange (since we aren't able to get together as we don't live in the same place!). You'd think that wouldn't be too hard - but apparently I'm less than brilliant and it's kicking my ass. 

Even though my future business location hasn't been decided yet - there are still things I can work on to get the ball rolling. Like, buying a domain name. I have one picked out and just need to pull that trigger. Thankfully a fellow business lady is helping me go through this process - or I'd probably have dropped like $500 for no reason. Now it's just going to be $90 for a year. Not bad, right? Then I need to get my business name registered with the Secretary of State - which isn't too hard but I think costs like $50. My parents have done this before and another friend has recently so again, bases covered on what to do. And then I need to get a sales tax ID so I can start buying as a business not a consumer. No clue on this front. It can't be too hard though, right?!? 

Yet, as I've been laying around watching insane amounts of One Tree Hill in reruns, I've been spending time on Pinterest. I cannot wait to test out new and different ideas I find to decorate weddings and events. I have SO many ideas and no time/space to test them out and mess around with them. It will be amazing when I'm actually getting paid to do something I love. Nope, won't be a million dollars but will feel like it when I'm not sitting at a desk helping feed the poor. Ahh. Exciting. 

A few other exciting things. 
It might actually rain here in Iowa tonight. After this insane was 106 today at 5pm, seriously driving me NUTS...everyone is SO excited to hear it's even in the forecast. And looks cloudy towards the north (and I think raining up there) but it better take care of business down here too. 
One of my best girlfriends is coming to town this weekend! YAY! I can't tell you the last time Shawna and I hung out. And I get to tell her about all these fabulous plans. We'll hit the Farmers Market (IF it's not 100 degrees out...neither of us like melting in public), then do the antiquing thing in search of props for her photography business, drinks, food, and plenty of laughter. Can't wait! 

Hope the rest of your week is fabulous! :) 

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