Monday, July 23, 2012

It's good to have options, right?!?

Happy Monday! 

Ahh, a lot can change in a week. Or even a day. Really a span of a few hours can change things. And that's what happened this weekend. 

I had my meeting with the man who owns the building on State Street (aka Main Street) on Saturday morning. It was great to meet him and go over different details, talk about the potential timeline, the rent price (which was about what I thought it would be) and actually get to go into the building to check it out. The last part sounds super glamorous, right? Well - if you like ceilings falling in, subfloor that has holes in it, HUGE dead wasps all over and cobwebs. (If you know me, you can picture me walking around - I had to hide the fear on my face!) It's going to be a gorgeous a building once it's done. The man has an impeccable eye for detail. There's so much potential there. Despite all the work that needs done - I got a couple chills just picturing it. Timeline is another story. The owner needs to sit down and figure out how long it would take him to get it done. Based on everything, most people's opinions say a year. *sigh*

Are you wondering where options fall in? 

Rewind to Friday night. Hit up the good old Palo Alto County Fair to watch Mitch (Meredith's son, my new nephew) show his first bottle calf. Well, despite hauling as much ass as possible to make it - I walked into the pavilion just as Mitch & Pat were leading the calf out. Fail. It's all good though, Mitch didn't care too much - he had a huge fan club showing. Hung out there for a bit, caught a few glimpses of something else that makes me smile and then headed off to dinner with the family. This is where my Dad drops on me that he has another building option for me. I'm sorry - what?!? My DAD has been checking things out for me? Ok, I'll listen. You never know what's going to happen. 

Where is this building? Well, not on State Street. But it's on actual North Main in Algona. And it's attached to the hall where Pat & Meredith had their wedding reception. Hmmm. I'm willing to check it out. Need to keep the options open. Oh Dan. The man with the connections. Gets the key from the guy looking to rent it and we check it out on our own. (PS - my dad is straight from doing chores. For all you non-farm kids out there that means he was done feeding the cows for the day. So we checked it out with him in his boots, smelling like a lot of cow shit!) It's 2800 sq. feet, has a "showroom", a couple of offices, a back room the size of the showroom - with it's own entrance and garage door for easy loading/unloading. Does it need a face lift? You better believe it. As much work as the State Street option? Not at all. Do I get the same chills I do for the other building? Not really. But I do see the HUGE potential this location has for me. Attached to venue could be HUGE, especially for a place that does 12-16 weddings a year on average (2012 has been big - they have 18. BTW - Algona's population is 5,500), plus a multitude of other events. Talked with the yet another man about a building. Got some details and my dad thinks he can talk him down in price if I'm really interested. The potential there is fabulous. And I can make anything look pretty, right? :) 

So - now I have decisions to make. Going to wait and hear about the timeline from the first guy. But not going to wait forever. Might have the option to open even earlier than when I move back there. (At least Saturdays, that is. Have to love having family willing to step in and help out!) If that doesn't make me shit my pants a little bit, I don't know what will?!? 

After processing all this on a few hours of sleep (why wouldn't I close the bar down in West Bend on Friday night with Beth and Latto?) - had lunch with Meredith to go over all of it. Man, I can't tell you how good it is to sit with someone and hash it all out. And then, I needed a nap.

Crap. I better stock up on cold sore meds. I tend to get one every time I get REALLY stressed out. And when I say one, I mean one over and over and over again.

Have a great week everyone! :)  

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